A Coronavirus Update

I just thought I'd post a little update on the blog regarding a possible future direction for this blog in light of recent events. Now, I am aware that, in the grand scheme of things, this blog means pretty much nothing. However, there may be people who would like to know what is going on, and what recent developments might mean for content.

In light of the developing situation, I believe that three course of action may occur. The first is that I come down with the virus, or are forced to self-quarantine, and I am able to keep adding stuff to the blog. In this instance, posts will almost certainly increase, as I will have time to dedicate pretty much exclusively to the blog. My job doesn't really allow me to work from home, and, as such, I will be able to dedicate most of my time and energy into content. I have some more First Reviews planned, I'll look at doing some more A History's, there'll probably be a Series 12 roundup and some merchandise reviews.  This is most definitely the best case scenario for the blog, and will hopefully give me the chance to grow it across this period.

The second is that I come down with the virus, and I am unable to post. This may be because it affects my ability to write, or I am unable to us a computer for long periods. Now, I will try and bank content as best as I can, but it's possible that this option will not be open to me. Now, that will mean that, for two weeks, I will not be able to post. I may be able to cobble something together, but it depends how badly the virus affects me. This isn't that bad, as a two week break will allow a chance to reset, and come back fully rested and even stronger (fingers crossed).

And finally the third option is that I don't get the virus, or are forced to self-quarantine, and continue to work. This is, actually, the option where things get serious for the blog. It is entirely possible that the next few months will be seriously difficult for many, and, if lots of people are forced to take time off work, then I will have to work longer, and have less free time to myself. This means that I will not be able to even enjoy Doctor Who for its own sake, let alone produce fun, informative content for the blog. We are already understaffed in our department for issues unrelated to Coronavirus, and, if we remain in that state, or get worse, then I may not be able to keep the blog going. I also rely on being able to write in my lunch and break times with my work computer, and if that is stopped, then I loose an hour of blog writing each day, which has a significant impact on being able to produce timely content each week. If such a worst-case scenario were to play out, then the blog would have to be mothballed, at least until the hope that the situation eases, and I am able to get back to running the blog, which I absolutely love, and have enjoyed doing for the past three months.

So that's where we are at. I hope all of my readers stay healthy as best as they can, and that they look after their loved ones at this incredibly scary and difficult time. I hope to be able to continue to provide some light in the months to come. If you wish to follow me on Twitter for more updates, my handle is @Dr_Joe97.

Thank you very much for reading. And please stay safe.
Joe M.

EDIT: As of the 20th of March, Who Time (& Space) will have to be mothballed. Already, my workload has practically doubled, and I no longer have time to focus on content. I already had a review of "The Rescue" ready to go, but this will now be shelved, and become the first post when the blog returns. It's incredibly disappointing that I have had to take this action. While it is possible the situation will change: the global situation is constantly changing, and so will its effects upon me and the blog, this is where I currently stand, I'm afraid. For now, at least, Who Time (& Space) is closed. Thank you all so, so much, and I hope to be back soon.
Joe M.


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