If Doctor Who Didn't Exist...

Having seen a tweet from the Galactic Yo-Yo podcast (which you should totally check out if you haven't already) recently about what you would be like if Doctor Who didn't exist, I thought about writing what my life might be like if Doctor Who never existed.

One could argue that Doctor Who didn't exist for me. For a while, at least. I was born in 1997: at a time when there was no Doctor Who. As such, it wasn't until the show returned in 2005 that I even realised it existed. So, if Doctor Who had never been made, the first few years of my life probably wouldn't have been that different. However, after that, my life would probably diverge quite significantly. I got into Doctor Who aged nine, just as I was starting to move away from obsessions with things like Star Wars and Thunderbirds. As such, if there was no Doctor Who, then its entirely possible that there wouldn't have been anything to replace those obsessions with. I don't think there would be anything that could replace it, so I would probably be quite far removed from what I am now. Doctor Who quite literally changed my life in ways I couldn't begin to imagine. It got me through my difficult teenage years, when I felt that I was completely alone in the world. It has allowed me to make friends, both online and in person, with some wonderful, talented people. And it inspires me to be creative every day, and pushed me into pursuing a career as a writer. I owe Doctor Who so much.

I know I can be quite dismissive of the show at times. Just look at my review of "The Timeless Children". I can be quite disparaging of something I love so much. But, without Doctor Who, I can't imagine where I'd be. I think I'd still be struggling with my own identity. I think I'd still be struggling with my own mental health. I think I'd be pretending to be something I'm clearly not. But, thanks to Doctor Who, I think I can confidently stand up and say that I'm allowed to be myself.

Without Doctor Who, I wouldn't be here. Because I wouldn't be me.

So thank you, Doctor Who. You really are the best.

And the Master was right - a cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about.

Thank you very much for reading.


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